NEWS 29/05/2015

‣FIXES: Yesterday's issues with not being able to upload, were fixed.

‣SERVER OVERLOAD: I am aware lately, due to the increased number of visitors (doubled since last month), the website responds very slow or never.
This is mainly because the hosting server bandwith was exceeded and the internet speed was lowered considerably until the end of the month. Since the code is optimized as much as it can be, the obvious solution would be to move website on a better server. Will do it as soon as I can afford an expensive server.
Nonetheless I optimized code and enable some force caching of the website. So we'll have to wait until June 1st to reset the server bandwith limit and see if the problem occurs next month.

Next Patch

➥ ABOUT: add page
➥ CONTACT: add page
➥ REPLAY: Update hero/items DB to last map version
➥ HOME: Reduce page load / redesign

Patch v2.1.0 29/05/2015

➥ HOME: minor redesign + optimizations
➥ REPLAY: Fixed and minor optimizations
➥ UPLOAD: Fixed and minor optimizations
➥ BANNERS: added kewl banners :X

Patch v2.0.1 23/05/2015

➥ HOME: Implemented Homepage + Changelog
➥ REPLAY: Fixed showing winner animation
➥ REPLAY: Fixed showing APM
➥ REPLAY: Improved code ~ page loads 30% faster.
➥ DATABASE: Implemented Advance Search (check it out !)
➥ UPLOAD: removed some animations ~ general upload is 2-3s faster.